Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 5

After talking with several faculty members at Drexel, many new ideas have been thought about and considered for our design. First of all, a few members of the group spoke with Dr. Primerano, a professor from Drexel's College of Engineering. We proposed our air ventilation system design to him and he gave us several tips and ideas to build onto our design. For example, he gave us a site that sold many different types of fans that we could implement into our ventilation system. He also suggested using a pelltier, which can be used to transfer hear. Later that week, we also talked to a member of the biomed department at Drexel, Dr. Seliktar. He is involved with prosthetics, therefore we thought he would be a great candidate to discuss our design with and receive ideas from. After telling him out design, he believed that our proposed system would not quite solve the problem at hand. He believed that a conductive material would be the best route to go down. Therefore, after speaking with Dr. Selikitar, Dr. Allen, and amongst ourselves, we now have decided to try to create a multilayer material that can remove heat and remove moisture. More so, one layer should wick away the moisture and another layer should absorb the moisture. We also thought of the possibility of having a compartment to collect the moisture, like shown in Figure 3 on the Brainstorming page. We will continue to research materials, especially conductors, that we can use to create a multilayer liner.

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